Deep Sky Browser

Deep Sky Browser is an iPhone/iPod touch/iPad application allowing browsing Digitised Sky Survey images of various celestial objects.

The images are retrieved from a DSS server and cached automatically so you do not need to download them again. The built-in database of Deep Sky Browser contains in excess of 45,000 objects from popular catalogues: Abell Planetaries, Collinder, HCG, Herschel, King, Minkowski, Markarian, Sharpless, Stock, Trumpler.

Object lists can be adjusted to only show objects that are brighter than the specified magnitude. Image field size can also be adjusted.

The image size can be customised to show different sky field sizes:
- Actual object size
- 5' x 5'
- 10' x 10'
- 30' x 30'
- 60' x 60'

Deep Sky Browser also supports a true 'Push-To' functionality to Deep Sky Browser (first iOS app that does it!). You can now use it with a traditional DSC interface to locate objects - using directional arrows that also indicate the amount of movement required to point the telescope at the selected object:
Deep Sky Browser uses a two star alignment:
It can be interfaced to our own Nexus as well as to a number of other encoder interfaces: BBox, Celestron Astro Master, JMI NGCMax, Lumicon Sky Vector, Orion Intelliscope, Orion SkyWizard, Ouranos, Takahashi Super Navigator (please note that a special WiFi to serial adapter is required to connect Deep Sky Browser to all of them except Nexus).
Deep Sky Browser can also be used to interface to ServoCAT for a full GOTO functionality.

You can select images from different Digitised Sky Surveys: DSS, DSS1 Red, DSS1 Blue, DSS2 Red, DSS2 Infrared.
Deep Sky Browser can run in 'Night mode':

You can also combine images from different sky surveys to show a colour image:

The current position is shown for the selected object:

The image can be displayed at half the size to allow to display the object information using bigger letters:

And a few screen captures from iPad:

You can e-mail us should you have any questions about Deep Sky Browser.
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